Source code for NpyProximation

Hilbert Space based regression
from numpy import sqrt, array, ndarray, delete, concatenate, power
from numpy.linalg import det
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.stats import t

Infinitesimal = 1e-7

[docs]class Error(Exception): r""" Generic errors that may occur in the course of a run. """ def __init__(self, *args): super(Error, self).__init__(*args)
[docs]class Measure(object): r""" Constructs a measure :math:`\mu` based on `density` and `domain`. :param density: the density over the domain: + if none is given, it assumes uniform distribution + if a callable `h` is given, then :math:`d\mu=h(x)dx` + if a dictionary is given, then :math:`\mu=\sum w_x\delta_x` a discrete measure. The points :math:`x` are the keys of the dictionary (tuples) and the weights :math:`w_x` are the values. :param domain: if `density` is a dictionary, it will be set by its keys. If callable, then `domain` must be a list of tuples defining the domain's box. If None is given, it will be set to :math:`[-1, 1]^n` """ def __init__(self, density=None, domain=None): # set the density if density is None: self.density = lambda x: 1.0 elif callable(density): self.density = density elif isinstance(density, dict): self.density = lambda x, density_=density: density_[x] if x in density else 0. else: raise Error( "The `density` must be either a callable or a dictionary of real numbers." ) # check and set the domain self.continuous = True self.dim = 0 if isinstance(domain, list): self.dim = len(domain) for intrvl in domain: if (not isinstance(intrvl, (list, tuple))) or (len(intrvl) != 2): raise Error("`domain` should be a list of 2-tuples.") self.supp = domain elif isinstance(density, dict): self.supp = density.keys() self.continuous = False else: raise Error("No domain is specified.")
[docs] def integral(self, f): r""" Calculates :math:`\int_{domain} fd\mu`. :param f: the integrand :return: the value of the integral """ from types import FunctionType m = 0.0 if not isinstance( f, (dict, FunctionType) ): raise Error("The integrand must be a `function` or a `dict`") if isinstance(f, dict): fn = lambda x: f[x] if x in f else 0.0 else: fn = f if self.continuous: fw = lambda *x: fn(*x) * self.density(*x) m = integrate.nquad(fw, self.supp)[0] else: for p in self.supp: m += self.density(p) * fn(p) return m
[docs] def norm(self, p, f): r""" Computes the norm-`p` of the `f` with respect to the current measure, i.e., :math:`(\int_{domain}|f|^p d\mu)^{1/p}`. :param p: a positive real number :param f: the function whose norm is desired. :return: :math:`\|f\|_{p, \mu}` """ absfp = lambda *x: pow(abs(f(*x)), p) return pow(self.integral(absfp), 1.0 / p)
[docs]class FunctionSpace(object): r""" A class tha facilitates a few types of computations over function spaces of type :math:`L_2(X, \mu)` :param dim: the dimension of 'X' (default: 1) :param measure: an object of type `Measure` representing :math:`\mu` :param basis: a finite basis of functions to construct a subset of :math:`L_2(X, \mu)` """ dim = 1 # type: int def __init__(self, dim=1, measure=None, basis=None): self.dim = int(dim) if (measure is not None) and (isinstance(measure, Measure)): self.measure = measure else: # default measure is set to be the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]^dim D = [(0.0, 1.0) for _ in range(self.dim)] self.measure = Measure(domain=D) if basis is None: # default basis is linear base = [lambda x: 1.0] for i in range(self.dim): base.append(lambda x, i_=i: x[i_] if isinstance(x, array) else x) self.base = base else: self.base = basis self.orth_base = [] self.Gram = None
[docs] def inner(self, f, g): r""" Computes the inner product of the two parameters with respect to the measure `measure`, i.e., :math:`\int_Xf\cdot g d\mu`. :param f: callable :param g: callable :return: the quantity of :math:`\int_Xf\cdot g d\mu` """ fn = lambda x, f_=f, g_=g: f_(x) * g_(x) return self.measure.integral(fn)
[docs] def project(self, f, g): r""" Finds the projection of `f` on `g` with respect to the inner product induced by the measure `measure`. :param f: callable :param g: callable :return: the quantity of :math:`\frac{\langle f, g\rangle}{\|g\|_2}g` """ a = self.inner(f, g) b = self.inner(g, g) return lambda x, a_=a, b_=b: a_ * g(x) / b_
def gram_mat(self): num = len(self.base) cfs = array([[0.0] * num] * num) for i in range(num): for j in range(i, num): cf = self.inner(self.base[i], self.base[j]) cfs[i][j] = cf cfs[j][i] = cf self.Gram = cfs def minor_gram(self, i): if self.Gram is None: self.gram_mat() return array( [[self.Gram[idx][jdx] for idx in range(i + 1)] for jdx in range(i + 1)] ) def minor(self, i, j): if j == 1: return 1.0 cfs = array([[0.0] * j] * (j - 1)) for jdx in range(j): for idx in range(j - 1): cfs[idx][jdx] = self.Gram[idx][jdx] return det(delete(cfs, i, 1))
[docs] def form_basis(self): """ Call this method to generate the orthogonal basis corresponding to the given basis. The result will be stored in a property called ``orth_base`` which is a list of function that are orthogonal to each other with respect to the measure ``measure`` over the given range ``domain``. """ num = len(self.base) gram_dets = [1.0] + [det(self.minor_gram(i)) for i in range(num)] base = [] cfs = [] for j in range(1, num + 1): j_ = j cf = [ (-1) ** (i + j - 1) * self.minor(i, j_) / sqrt(gram_dets[j_ - 1] * gram_dets[j_]) for i in range(j_) ] base.append(lambda x: sum([cf[i] * self.base[i](x) for i in range(j_)])) cfs.append(cf) self.orth_base = [] for i in range(len(cfs)): fn = lambda x, i_=i: sum( [cfs[i_][_j] * self.base[_j](x) for _j in range(len(cfs[i_]))] ) self.orth_base.append(fn)
[docs] def series(self, f): r""" Given a function `f`, this method finds and returns the coefficients of the series that approximates `f` as a linear combination of the elements of the orthogonal basis :math:`B`. In symbols :math:`\sum_{b\in B}\langle f, b\rangle b`. :return: the list of coefficients :math:`\langle f, b\rangle` for :math:`b\in B` """ cfs = [] for b in self.orth_base: cfs.append(self.inner(f, b)) return cfs
[docs]class Regression(object): """ Given a set of points, i.e., a list of tuples of the equal lengths `P`, this class computes the best approximation of a function that fits the data, in the following sense: + if no extra parameters is provided, meaning that an object is initiated like ``R = Regression(P)`` then calling ```` returns the linear regression that fits the data. + if at initiation the parameter `deg=n` is set, then ```` returns the polynomial regression of degree `n`. + if a basis of functions provided by means of an `OrthSystem` object (``R.SetOrthSys(orth)``) then calling ```` returns the best approximation that can be found using the basic functions of the `orth` object. :param points: a list of points to be fitted or a callable to be approximated :param dim: dimension of the domain """ def __init__(self, points, dim=None): self.Points = None if isinstance(points, (ndarray, list, array)): self.Points = list(points) self.dim = len(points[0]) - 1 supp = {} for p in points: supp[tuple(p[:-1])] = 1.0 self.meas = Measure(supp) self.f = lambda x: sum( [ p_[-1] * (1 * (abs(x - array(p_[:-1])) < 1.0e-4)).min() for p_ in points ] ) elif callable(points): if dim is None: raise Error("The dimension can not be determined") else: self.dim = dim self.f = points self.meas = Measure(domain=[(-1.0, 1.0) for _ in range(self.dim)]) self.orth = FunctionSpace(dim=self.dim, measure=self.meas)
[docs] def set_measure(self, meas): """ Sets the default measure for approximation. :param meas: a measure.Measure object :return: None """ if not isinstance(meas, Measure): raise AssertionError("`set_measure` accepts a `NpyProximation.Measure` object.") self.meas = meas
[docs] def set_func_spc(self, sys): """ Sets the bases of the orthogonal basis :param sys: `orthsys.OrthSystem` object. :return: None .. Note:: For technical reasons, the measure needs to be given via `set_measure` method. Otherwise, the Lebesque measure on :math:`[-1, 1]^n` is assumed. """ if self.dim != sys.dim: raise AssertionError( "Dimensions of points and the orthogonal system do not match." ) sys.measure = self.meas self.orth = sys self.orth.form_basis()
[docs] def fit(self): """ Fits the best curve based on the optional provided orthogonal basis. If no basis is provided, it fits a polynomial of a given degree (at initiation) :return: The fit. """ coefs = self.orth.series(self.f) aprx = lambda x: sum( [ coefs[i] * self.orth.orth_base[i](x) for i in range(len(self.orth.orth_base)) ] ) return aprx
try: from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin except ModuleNotFoundError: BaseEstimator = type("BaseEstimator", (object,), dict()) RegressorMixin = type("RegressorMixin", (object,), dict())
[docs]class HilbertRegressor(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): r""" Regression using Hilbert Space techniques Scikit-Learn style. :param deg: int, default=3 The degree of polynomial regression. Only used if `base` is `None` :param base: list, default = None a list of function to form an orthogonal function basis :param meas: `NpyProximation.Measure`, default = None the measure to form the :math:`L_2(\mu)` space. If `None` a discrete measure will be constructed based on `fit` inputs :param fspace: `NpyProximation.FunctionBasis`, default = None the function subspace of :math:`L_2(\mu)`, if `None` it will be initiated according to `self.meas` """ def __init__(self, deg=3, base=None, meas=None, fspace=None, c_limit=.95): self.deg = deg self.meas = meas self.base = base self.fspace = fspace self.regressor = None self.dim = 0 self.apprx = None # for confidence interval self.c_limit = (c_limit + 1.0) / 2.0 self.t_stat = 0. self.training_var = 0. self.training_size = 0 self.ci_band = None self.x_mean = 0. self.sum_sqrd_x = 0
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Calculates an orthonormal basis according to the given function space basis and the discrete measure from the training points. :param X: Training data :param y: Target values :return: `self` """ if len(X.shape) != 2: X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1) self.training_size = X.shape[0] points = concatenate((X, y.reshape(y.shape[0], 1)), axis=1) self.regressor = Regression(points) self.dim = X[0].shape[0] if self.meas is not None: self.regressor.set_measure(self.meas) if self.fspace is not None: self.regressor.set_func_spc(self.fspace) else: from .extras import FunctionBasis bs = FunctionBasis() B = bs.poly(n=self.dim, deg=self.deg) if self.base is None else self.base self.fspace = FunctionSpace(dim=self.dim, basis=B, measure=self.meas) self.regressor.set_func_spc(self.fspace) self.apprx = res = array([self.apprx(x) for x in X]) self.x_mean = X.mean() self.sum_sqrd_x = sum(power(X, 2)) self.training_var = sqrt(sum(power(res - y.reshape((1, -1))[0], 2)) / max(self.training_size - 2, 1)) self.t_stat = t.ppf(self.c_limit, self.training_size - 1) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Predict using the Hilbert regression method :param X: data points for prediction :return: returns predicted values """ if len(X.shape) != 2: X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1) # Adjust the `self.x_mean` according to the weight if X.shape[1] == 1: self.ci_band = ( self.t_stat * self.training_var * ( 1. / self.training_size + power(X - self.x_mean, 2) / sqrt(self.sum_sqrd_x - self.training_size * power(self.x_mean, 2)) ) ).reshape(1, -1)[0] return array([self.apprx(x) for x in X])
[docs] def score(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """ The default scoring method is the weighted mean square error :param X: :param y: :param sample_weight: :return: """ num_points = len(X) weights = [self.regressor.meas.density(tuple(x)) for x in X] vals = [self.apprx(x) for x in X] sum_w = sum(weights) errors = [weights[_] * (vals[_] - y[_]) ** 2 for _ in range(num_points)] try: return sum(errors)[0] / sum_w except IndexError: return sum(errors) / sum_w